Saturday, 14 November 2009

Seth McFarlen VS Aaron McGruder

I chose to compare Seth Mcfarlens 'The Cleveland Show' (Family Guy Spin off up against Aaron McGruders 'The Boondocks' for obvious reasons. They are both savage pieces of satire, but besides from this, they are both cartooons about the lives of black people. Therefore Id like to discuss which I believe to be more relevant (especially since I am black, so to speak, judging from the point of view of a black person as well as objectively).

Since Family guy cloned the plutonic family formula that has made the Simpsons, it therefore still represents the average American white family. So wouldnt it make sense for The cleveland show to follow the same formula for how America sees black people? Yes some would agree it does, but only to a certain extent. After watching the above trailer, alongside a few episodes, it seems to retain a weaker version of family guy humour, and does not tend to deal with issues directly related to the black community. Therefore family guy fans will find it boring because it could be seen a cheap rip off, and black people may find it a little boring becaue it doesnt necessarily address them or their lives that well. There I was a few years back yearning for a black cartoon which could hold the same with wit as Simspons or Family Guy and when one finally does pop up, it doesnt quite fullfill that void within me (since Boondocks didnt quite do it for me).

on the other hand:

The Boondocks is a satirical cartoon based on the lives of black people in America. It addresses the lives of the Average stereotypes of African Americans. As the creator Aaron McGruder studied African American history, it is his main goal to spread a message that makes people open their eyes and realise things with regards to society's political structure in correlation with black history. Especially since the character Riley seems to love all the negative conotations attached to the black entertainment industry. Whilst his older brother Huey has contempt for such topics, therefore is trying to create a revolution.
I do like this cartoon, but on the downside, I just beleive it lacks a certain amount of wit that cartoons like The Simpsons and Family guy hold which make them successful and long lasting. The Boondocks topic matter along with Family guys wit would make the PERFECT , long lasting black cartoon, which Seth Mcfarlen has JUST missed with The Cleveland show.

Aims objectives and main comparison points:
The Cleveland Show:
I believe the main aim of the cleveland show is to identify that cleveland is an interesting enough character in 'Family Guy' to have his own show. Since he is black, I guess Seth Mcfarlen capitalises on black stereotypes here and there to paint a little picture of some african Americans.

The Boondocks:
From what I've seen and read, The Boondocks is a social satire of American culture and race relations (or stereotypes in the world), revolving around the lives of the Freeman family. Ive seen messages of social and political Hierarchy and racial issues often addressed with important eye opening messages behind them. Even though Boondocks is not quite as witty or (arguably) funny as the cleveland show, it still holds an important message for why black people need to wake up.

Its boondocks over the cleveland show all the way in my opinion.

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